NJ Concealed Carry Process

To apply for NJ concealed carry it's an online process.

To sign up for NJ class with required qualification live fire, please click here. 

If you wish to seek help in filling out your application and submitting it to NJ for concealed carry please click here

If you are out of state of NJ you do
NOT need NJFID card, however, you do need an SBI Number

Fingerprinting: All applicants applying for any firearm application in New Jersey must be fingerprinted one time to complete their background. In rare instances, you may need to be fingerprinted again if a problem occurred with the processing of your fingerprints. After an applicant is fingerprinted for a firearms application, a SBI number is created for the applicant which will allow them to apply for a Concealed Carry Permit. Applicants can visit the Identogo website (https://uenroll.identogo.com/) to schedule an appointment to be fingerprinted and Identogo has locations across the country to be fingerprinted that are listed on their website. When scheduling, the applicant must provide a fingerprint service code (2F164B), the investigating agency’s ORI# (you can use NJNSPG500), and a Contributors Case Number (use the first letter in your first name, last name, month, day, and year. Example: Joe Doe goes on the Identogo site to schedule fingerprints on Jan 8, 2022. The Contributor Case Number will be JDoe010822.) The concealed carry application must be submitted online within ninety (90) days of being fingerprinted.

So in order to get that number register https://uenroll.identogo.com/  please make sure you choose the correct ORI and use Service Code 2F164B (NJ Firearms Licensing-FIR - State & Federal)
Contributor Case Number, it's not as important however, it won't let you move forward without it, so use the same ORI number you used in the beginning.

Obtaining your SBI number: Five days after completion of your fingerprinting, you can email FirearmsInvestUnit@njsp.gov for your New Jersey SBI number. Please provide your driver’s license number or state identification number, name as it appears on your identification, and cell phone number. Enter the following into the subject line of your email: "SBI number request, out of state PTC". Your SBI number will allow you to proceed to apply online. (2/19/2025 update, you can fill out the application without the SBI number as well, you will need to do your finger prints after your fill out your application)

You also need to have completion of NJ Firearms training and the UOF certificate (Vintage Arms Training Center is authorize to teach this course and we will gladly provide that certificate for you after successful completion of the course)

NY Mental Health Form:

Attached is the New York Mental Health Consent Form.

Authorization for release of information form:

Attached is the Authorization for release of information form.

Please complete the following areas:

Page 1, Top Right: Applicant Name, Sex, Date of Birth, and SSN

Page 2 Top Center: Applicant Name

Page 2, Section C: Signature, Printed Name, Date

Do not complete any other part of this form. All fields are mandatory. Failure to return this form completed properly will result in your permit not being processed. No digital signatures allowed. Do not send photos of the form, please scan the form before sending it to us. A file scanning app used on a smartphone is acceptable. Attached is an example to follow.

Here is an example of the form

Finally, one you have all the documents you need to go to: https://www.njportal.com/NJSP/ConcealedCarry/ to fill out the application

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